Image credit: Angéle Kamp @ Unsplash

He brought home a single cupcake,

my favourite flavour, the perfect bake,

Lighting the lone candle,

he gave me an apprehensive look.

I know his intention to cheer me up

and I tear up,

knowing I could never be the same.

Thinking of the efforts he take these days,

Just to bring a single smile on my face,

How I wish I could forget

the pain of losing her,

my only child on my birthday!

Looks like, I’d never be able to get past this day,

without a reminder that on this gloomy day,

I’d lost the most beautiful part of my soul forever!


This work of Fiction is written for Sadje’s What do you see #57

Published by Ramya Vivek

Formerly a Software professional, I have been a homemaker for a while. My life revolves around my two daughters. Having started writing only recently, I just discovered what I have been missing all along in my otherwise almost-perfect life. I want to create postive content inspiring minds across all age groups.

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