
I looked around at the almost deserted railway station which would normally be bursting with people, echoing their non-stop chatters. Covid times..I sighed.

My mind wandered two decades back. I used to like the train journeys and the happiness, that travel to my grandparent’s place brought along. The packed meal carriers, tea-coffee vendors, bickering with the siblings and cousins for the window seat and the loud screams we made when the train passed the tunnels…

I sat there reminiscing those wonder moments of nostalgia. How I wish I could get back to that carefree days. Just then, the train that I usually take to my office, entered the railway station. I forced myself up from the waiting room to catch my train.


For Sadje’s What do you see #63

Published by Ramya Vivek

Formerly a Software professional, I have been a homemaker for a while. My life revolves around my two daughters. Having started writing only recently, I just discovered what I have been missing all along in my otherwise almost-perfect life. I want to create postive content inspiring minds across all age groups.

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